Just another Prague thing pt.3

Where to start? Maybe with the fact that I keep trying to call and pet Czech cats, but they won't come to me. I am angry with Czech cats. Besides that, everything else is peachy peach.

You probably wonder if I do anything but partying and dancing around Prague. Well, yes, as a matter of fact I do. I actually study here :O
Yup, and I like my new faculty very much. I even took Czech language course as a subject while staying here. Thought to myself, could be interesting, and maybe I'll be able to do tours in Czech this summer - I'm a tourist guide, by the way, and there is one more thing about it... It's just that... I don't know why, but whenever I go to some new country I try to learn common phrases and use it so that people there would think I'm one of them..It just feels cool. It's like, when I was in Spain, I would go to a shop and say: "Hola!" and then go silent, look around and go out saying: "Adios!", thinking to myself, that was awesome, they think I'm Spanish now! Not realizing that in the next moment I was talking in Croatian or English just in front of the shopkeeper. 😂

But anyhow, I signed up for Czech beginners class. But ops! They told me the beginners class was full, so they saw my last name - Miloš, and thought I can go to advanced class immediately, cause, you know, it's all Slavic languages, it's all the same... Hell not. When I first entered the class, the teacher was speaking so fast and all in Czech and I wanted to kill myself. You are a fool Ena, now you must pass this exam and all you know how to say in Czech is "Ahoj". And there I was, sitting in the classroom thinking why the hell is teacher talking about alcoholic drinks the whole time, and then I realized, I could understand her. What the hell? Maybe they were right. I actually started to catch everything and before you know it, I was buying my first jizdenky (tram ticket) in Czech! Yay me!

And about jizdenky, don't try to smuggle your way by tram, bus or metro, cause controllers are everywhere. They are not wearing uniforms, so you never know when they enter and the penalty is not that cheap. If you get caught on tram without a valid ticket, you will have to pay 800 CZK right away. Don't try to get out of it by saying you don't have the money with you, cause they will follow you to the closest cash machine and you will pay it one way or another. All of that for what? 24 CZK for a ticket? It's not worth it, trust me. But the problem might be lack of places you can buy a ticket at early in the morning or late in the evening, or in some deserted blocks. I mean, yes, there are ticket machines in metro station, but you have to have change, because it is not accepting paper bills, and there aren't any machines in tram and bus stations. So for the tickets tips and tricks, you can actually buy it over the mobile phone just by sending a message on the number written at most of the stations. It will cost you the same, 24 CZK, but make sure you do that before getting into a tram, otherwise it is not valid.

Where was I? Oh, yes, Czech. Since I am attending course, should as well practice it outside the classroom. How? What do you think? Go out, meet Czechs, visit their favorite places. That's how I ended up at Lucerna gallery. Galeria Lucerna is a multi functional space for culture, art exhibitions, concerts, any public or private events, book launches, discussions, any kind of movement and dance classes and so on. You can even rent a gallery space if you want to. It is located in Štepanska street, which is just few minutes walk from either Mustek or Muzeum metro stations, in the strict center. Pay a visit when you're in Prague, you will not regret it. Most of the exhibitions and short screenings tend to be free. And this is where the festival Jedan svet (One world) is taking place, with their interesting workshops and fascinating screenings. Since I am all about environment protection, I went on Workshop plasty - recyklace held by Veronika Richterova, extremely interesting artist and sculpturist I now adore. The point of this workshop was that we were surrounded by recyclable plastic and we were supposed to make anything we want out of it. Guess what I made? A cat!

Meet my new pet, Floyd

But let me tell you, we had a little incident right away... You see, someone wanted a parrot as a pet, and they left their parrot unattended. How irresponsible...

So Floydy here could not contain himself, tried to eat that parrot. Luckily I stopped him, but he still has parrot feathers in his mouth..
After what happened, I thought it was enough for this gallery evening, so me and my cat walked out in style.

Just to mention one fun fact. Huge amount of doors at old buildings (big amount of those in Prague) have kind of, high door handles... I must throw my hand over my head to open those heavy doors. Again, perks of being shorty. But it's not just me, it's like these were made for giants. So, if you ask me, when you go to Prague, bring someone tall and strong to open the doors for you. It could come in handy.
Awkward smile

Me and my pal here weren't feeling that tired yet, the night was still young. So what else to do than to meet a friend and go somewhere for dinner. I wanted to try something new anyhow, so I talked my friend into going to some Indian restaurant and spice things up. Even though I cry and pant while eating it, I really like spicy food. So we went for hot Indian curry and soft Masala tea, perfect combo. I heard that one of the best Indian places in town is the restaurant on the top of Palladium Mall, and to be honest, many Indians were going there for dinner, so it must be good. And it was. I am thrilled with Indian cuisine and let me tell you, this place was not that expensive either, including the fact that it is in the center of the city. We payed for our meals around 300 CZK each. So, if you feel like eating Indian, dig into this place.

I drank 2 liters of water afterwards, but hey, it was the house specialty 

There was something haunting me since I came to Prague. What was it? Those Masaryk posters everywhere around. Apparently, this movie is at must see list here in Czechia. He seems like a cool guy, so let's see.

Cool guy, cool girl, cool cat
The gang loved the movie, and it was half in Czech so it came like a practice session as well. I'm seeing movies in Czech... Feeling like Czech already.

By the way, just to mention, I found out that there are lots of Vietnamese people living in Prague. Heard about their beauty saloons too. Well, I broke my thumb nail anyways, so why not go to one of those to get it fixed. Turned out that the color on my thumb nail was actually the same as the rest of my nails. You see?

Did you know this is the same color? I like those girls
It was an interesting 20 minutes, even though at some points it looked like they were doing some spells or dark magic behind me, or it's just the way Vietnamese sounds to me...

Anyways, I was still pissed at Czech cats, you know. And told my roommate about it. She laughed, of course. But she also suggested that we should go in search for one of those cat cafes. You know, to meet Czech cats, to assimilate. Maybe they will like me more afterwards... We found one of those cafes the next day, and it's name was Kavarna Kočiči. I asked why Kočiči, and they told me that that is the way you call a cat to come to you in Czech.. SO THIS WAS IT! Stupid me, I called them "mac mac", as if they could understand Croatian. So ČIČI it is! Mind blow, now it all makes sense. You have to talk to the cats in their national language Ena. It worked, these ones understood me and I was overwhelmed. Czech cats don't actually hate me, they just didn't understand me. Like I would come to some creepy human calling me weird names, yeah right...

Look at me, I am so fluffy and adorable, and totally ignoring people
This one is my spirit animal

If you love cats too, you should definitely pay visit to this cafe. Prices are relatively low, and the pleasure of cuddling these furry fluffy critters extremely high. It is located in Prague 8, but you can find all the exact info on their fb page: Kavarna Kočiči

To conclude this one, I will let you know that I am good with Czech cats now, as you can see below.

And someone wise once said:

Enjoy the week! Until the next time,



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