My phone started buzzing like crazy, someone was being so annoying. I checked the name on my screen: Ena. She wanted to know how I feel about Italy. Hmmm, let me think, great food, amazing architecture, timeless art pieces and of course Italian charm. Well, Hell yeah, we are going to Italy.
The next thing you know, we were in a bus to Sarajevo, where we will change a bus and continue our way to the Renaissance sanctuary of the world. I always had mixed feelings about bus rides, they are way too long and uncomfortable, but they did give you enough time to bond with that lucky guy that shares seat with you. Our in our situation, it gives you enough time to take silly pictures, and go through all new gossips. Rain welcomed us in Venice, and I must admit, it ruined my experience of this city. All these magical pictures in my head were washed away by rain, and the smell that came from canals made things worse. Feeling a bit disappointed I did what every girl does to cheer herself up, I went to eat. One of the things on my bucket list was Cannoli, ever since I've read that famous line “Leave the gun, take the cannoli” from The Godfather I had such a huge craving for them. We went to get them at some small bakery, and paying 1€ for each made us feel like we just hit jackpot, until later that week when we found bigger Cannoli for the same price.
This is Cannoli we deserve |
The rain wasn’t stopping, and we had to get some raincoats, they were really thin and really yellow. We continue roaming the streets of Venice looking like Lala from Teletubbies. In need for shelter from the rain we decided to explore the shops. When in Venice you MUST go to see the costumes. You get this feeling when you walk into a shop, like you just went back in time, like you are royalty getting ready for the biggest ball of her life. We tried few masks on, enjoying the feeling and annoying the shopkeepers.
Teletubbies Say 'Hello' |
Mysterious girls |
Btw Italians might be great lovers, but they are awful shopkeepers. Our visit to Venice got to its end, and we went our way to Rome. My whole body was trembling as we approach Rome. I am going to be in a city with most fountains in the world, I am going to be in city da Vinci loved, in the city full of Bernini’s art, I am going to see The Sistine Chapel and Michelangelo’s ceiling. Someone pinch me, I must be dreaming. Our bus stopped at Camping Village Roma, our home for the next few days. Ena and I looked at each other, we were already in love with the place. All of the bungalows had a small yard in front of it, Ena was thrilled to see cats roaming around and I was sure one of those cats will get my bed, and I will end up sleeping in the yard.
Our Italian home |
After a good night of rest we went on an adventure. It seemed like no matter how fast we walked, or how fast the metro was, it won’t be enough, and we won’t be able to see everything we want to see. We were doing slaloms in a crowd of people, trying to get closer to this magnificent building called the Colosseum. Everyone knows about the Colosseum, but all of you who had the honor to see it, know how breathtaking it is. You could feel its past, you could almost hear the footsteps of the gladiators, roars of terrified lions and cheers of the audience. Unfortunately, we couldn’t stay for longer, the more amazing things were waiting for us. One of them was Forum, we studied about it in school, but seeing it with your own eyes, wow that’s something. Few pictures later our trip continued.
Beauty is in the details |
It’s impossible to be in Rome and not throw coins into the fountain. Ena and I were joking that we left all of our money in fountains. There is something about us and fountains that no one gets, but to be honest we are suckers for them. I am standing there, staring, people were moving around me, but I just couldn’t move. Huge obelisk was streaming into the sky, Gods and Goddesses were protecting it, and dove was on the top of it, watching over Rome. I was looking at Bernini’s Fountain of the Four Rivers. “That’s great, but wait until you see this” Ena said while pushing me towards The Trevi Fountain. This wasn’t her first visit to Rome, so she knew her way and plus she is a magician with maps. It took me quite a while until I managed to say something about this place. Salvi did such an amazing job, I felt like camping in front of The Trevi Fountain until the end of my life. “Let’s make a wish!” Ena yelled as she pulled out another coin. I felt like a slot machine, my pockets were full of coins. “Okay, make a wish.” She whispered wish into my ear and we throw the coins. As soon as we heard that BLOP sound, I turned to Ena and told her that we just wasted our wish on something so stupid. So we decided to throw one more coin. This time wish was better. There is something you need to know about the two of us, we are in our early 20s, but we are freaked out by marriage. So imagine us when we found out about a legend that says if you throw one coin your wish will come true, if you throw two coins you will get married soon, if you throw three you will get divorced. We never got a chance to throw third one in, but we are still single, so in your face The Trevi Fountain ;)
Rain and Pantheon |
Going back to camp was a whole another experience. We missed our bus so we had to wait 45 minutes to get another one, metro was not going to our Camp. Rain once again decided to mess with us, but this time it brought her good friend with her, wind. We were freezing and we were soaked. The next day we went to the Vatican. You know when someone wishes to be at two places at once? Well, I had one foot in Vatican and another one in Rome, in two countries at the same time, it brought such a smile on my face. But we were not here for that, we were here for St. Peter’s Basilica and museum. Basilica itself is wow, it had strong aurora. The interior of the Basilica was so perfect, I didn’t want to touch anything, or even take photos I was so scared I would ruin anything of this beauty. My heart was beating like crazy, in a few minutes I am going to see Sistine chapel. We got into a museum, and my head was turning so fast, I wanted to see as much as possible, memorize every line, every dot of that museum.

No words
We walked into another room, people were around us, and they all were looking up. I looked at the ceiling, and the world stopped spinning. All of the breath from my lungs was gone. Ena was standing next to me, and for the first time in years we were quite, no words, no sounds, just us and Michelangelo. My eyes started watering, my neck was hurting, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. Even now, when I close my eyes, I can see it, and so far that is the most beautiful and most magnificent thing I have ever seen. Ever since that day I have been counting days until I will see it again. We had enough of the Rome so we went to Sienna and Firenze. Sienna is a small city with beautiful culture and architecture, it’s not that big, so it took us a couple of hours to see it. Once again churches were the highlight of the city, they were amazing and made me hate this new age architecture with tons of glass and iron. There is nothing romantic and stunning in skyscrapers. In Sienna we had the best pizza ever, at some local shop. The owner was so nice, and we talked a bit about our country and their pizza.
Foodies |
Our way continued to Firenze, and I must admit, even it doesn’t have so much fountains or monuments, but it stole my heart. And their ice-cream, OMG it’s made by the Gods themselves. I never had so much ice-cream in my life, but God, it tasted like heaven. Florence Cathedral is something you can’t miss even if you try. It’s magnificent and huge, colors on it and architecture of it is pure art. Brunelleschi played with gothic era, Renaissance, Neo-gothic era, Italian gothic era and created something so amazing it’s hard to describe with words.
Beautiful |
We roamed Firenze some more, getting lost in that magnificent city, until we had to go home. Firenze is definitely city in which we will return as soon as possible, there is still a lot of ice-cream flavours we have to try
Red heads in Firenza |
If you want to hear about our trip to Budapest leave a comment below :)
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