Just another Prague thing pt.5 Water day

They say wherever you are and whatever you do on March 22, make it about water. Why? Because this date is saved as World Water Day and it is all about taking action to tackle the water crisis. And why is it so important? Well, even today, 1.8 billion people use a source of drinking water contaminated with faeces, putting them at risk of contracting cholera, dysentery, typhoid and polio. When you hear about this, you get a desire to take action, am I right? But how to do that? It's easy to talk about how sorry you are about the situation, but actually doing something...
No, you don't have to donate large amounts of money (of course, if you have possibility, why not), or fly all the way to endangered zones to risk your life in order to do something to help. Even small steps make the difference. What can you do? You can get inspired by immersing yourself in knowledge about waste water or join the global community of people informing and inspiring those around themselves. Either way, it's a win-win situation, cause once you start thinking globally, you will surely start acting locally to improve the situation as much as you can.

Why all this fuss about water and water day on a travel blog concerning Prague? Just because it is important to me, and I want to inspire at least one of you guys who will read this, to take some action. And also because here in Prague, I found a perfect venue for contributing to water cause troughout the whole year. It is called Dance4Water, and it is about having fun, making friends and changing the world trough dance. How does it work? Simple. You just come to the dance lesson, anytime you want, no need for previous announcement or some registration forms, just come, pay for one lesson or take a permanent card, and enjoy it. You can choose between energetic cuban salsa, sensual bachata or colorful zouk. Prices for these dancing lessons are relatively low (500CZK for 10 lessons, student price), and when you're about to ask yourselves how does it pay off to the trainers, it doesn't, because they are volunteers and all the collected money goes to the WaterAid projects in Ethiopia. Wanna know the best part? You can actually start project like this in your own city. It doesn't have to be dance, it can be anything, as long as it works and you enjoy it. Inform yourselves more about it at: 4Water

Rueda de Casino, everyone dances, everyone get's a partner to dance with

Having fun and doing something good? How awesome is that?! Of course I'm up for it, and I emerged myself at both cuban salsa and bachata lessons instantly imagining Havana nights and La Rosa Negra, already there, and let me tell you, this is awesome! Not La Rosa Negra awesome hehe but awesome enough to drag few of my exchange friends into it as well and to go out to more and more latino parties just to see how much I learned. Now, I would say, for tips and tricks, don't go to the latino party where all the "Profi" dancers go to, but forget about that. Even though I looked like that evenings clown, wiggling around the dance floor like a zebra on roller skates, I had a darn good time and I think I made every one of my dance partners laugh. Already at the next party, I was able to dance properly and I was so proud thinking those dance lessons really paid off...or was that just the effect of few absinthe shoots... No matter whos fault it was, there I was, "bachataing" like a pro (yeah right 😂) and discovering more places to go.  This was one more great club I suggest you to visit when in Prague, and it is called Solidni Jistota. The place gets crowded with people but everyone is so relaxed, friendly, dancing and having a good time that you don't even notice how small your personal space actually is. Just go with it. But the most important part is to be with great people who make you laugh, and you'll definitely have a great time!

Alrighty now, one of few pics I have from that night, ignore my retarded oh so wide smile or use it as a lesson not to drink 

But, take this advice, don't have more than three absinthe shoots in half an hour, especially if it's the first time you're trying it. Yay it's all nice minty green fun, but oh yay it kicks you hard. Now I understand why those crazy artists took it just for inspiration, some weird fairy tales happen right than and there where you have it hahah Yeah, it was an experience after which I should say I will never drink it again, but hey, I haven't yet tried the real deal in one of those Absintherias, so it is my scholar duty to make a scientific research and announce the results. We'll see how that goes, but this time, I'll probably find someone strong enough to carry me back home cause my legs almost betrayed me last time. Lesson learned.

Coming back to reality, the next day, I was supposed to wake up really early. Yay me. I told my roommate we'll go together for a walk down the shore and a boat ride, cause it's Vltava day soon after the World Water Day. Let's not act like it was easiest thing to do and I haven't swore inside a lot...but once we got there, it was worth it. The day was sunny and beautiful, and the river was full of different kinds of birds and so many boats that it made me feel like at some seaside marine. Then I found out that on this day everyone can have a free boat rides up and down the river and my rommie already picked the ride we'll go to. Just to stand on the deck and absorb the sun's rays, drinking wine and enjoying the wind... Truly amazing, it is so easy to get lost in all the magic this city possesses. Even tourist crowds look like heavenly place to get stuck in from this perspective. If you find yourselves here on Vltava day, don't forget to go on your own free boat ride, but if not, whenever you come, you can arrange boat rides and even a dinner on the boat, which is truly unforgettable experience.


And the next sight...

And what do you do when you see a bunch of ducks and swans? Try to lure them to come to you of course 
How do you lure them? First make a stand on one leg position, slowly begin with waving your hands and try to produce sounds like... Kidding, just open the pack of bread, they'll hear the noise of cellophane and start coming right away. Thievish little creatures those swans are... But still so pretty! 

I named this one Ferdo, I think it suits him
 As the day comes to an end, and you come to the point when you realize you deserve a nice beer and a snack, just jump across the river to Staromestska and enjoy one of the many pubs and restaurants with great cuisine and cosy atmosphere. 

My recommendation, Kozlovna pub and resto, where you can have tasty traditional cuisine and drinks, as well as many different types of dishes from the whole world
If not tired yet, stroll up to Namesti Republiky and indulge yourselves into trying famous Cherry beer at Tlusta Koala pub 👉Tlusta Koala It's a cosy place at nice central spot, so if you have too many of those cherry beers, the metro and tram stations are just in front. People here think of everything when building pubs and transport stations in such a close distance. It's just another Prague thing, I guess.

Until the next time,



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