Why Vienna? Why not. It's not my first trip to Vienna so I know my way around, I can say that I am fascinated by the monuments, the squares, the culture and all of it's beauty.

Let's start from the end.

When I came home, while I was talking with my friends about experiences in Vienna, a question popped out: "What would you say is the most 'awesome' part?". Well, damn, that made me stutter. Let's be real for a moment, I've never heard someone saying "Ooooomg, in ________ they have such huge lion statues", right? Try to guess what I answered, PARTY 😃 .  Vienna has such cool bars, pubs, clubs, so on and so forth. SIDE NOTE: don't learn on the hard way (like I did) that city's transport doesn't work in late hours, ASK AROUND. Anyways, the drinks, the music, *dramatic pause*... and I don't know any other legal things to do or write here, but Vienna at night is glorious no matter if you are going out or just having a stroll. The light, old buildings, churches, parks, for me it's more magical when the sun goes down.

I've been thinking about writing everything that we did, but it's a looooong story so I am going to try to keep it interesting and tell you stories, I believe, are the best. First of all, the language pissed me off. Besides the foreigners in Vienna, almost no one speaks English and it caused things like ordering a latte so complicated and slightly nerve wracking just like 'Where's Waldo'. I've never found him nor have I drank the coffee.

"Somehow", everyday we would wake up at the earliest of 12:00, pack our bags with things we never use and went on an adventure. I'm more of a person who likes to see and do as much as we can in a day, with that being said, the idea was to randomly pick out a metro station, go out and get lost. What a great idea! SIDE TIP NUMBER 2: download the city map in Google maps (which I have not). I think we all know what happened next, we got lost. What I've learned, and trust me I've been lost more times then I have known where I was, don't panic and ask around. If people don't speak English, at least it is sort of amusing to see them struggle. You'll be amazed with what kind of other parts of the city you will see.

One night (read: all nights) we were out, partying, meeting people, dancing, singing some karaoke, doing some fire shots and suddenly we get the idea of going to Bratislava in Slovakia. Why would we ever go home and sleep (???) when we can continue there. Also another bad idea in those 7 days, but hey, those are the best stories 😊 Bratislava is really old style, a little bit of gothic style and I am fascinated by that. We were there only for one day so we got to see Devin Castle (must) and Michaels Gate, beautiful and mysterious city.

If you want to hear more of the bad ideas, contact me and I will write because I sure have a lot of them. As for Vienna, girl, I don’t regret a cent. It’s beautiful, magical, words can’t describe it. The people are, well, mostly German-speaking, that should tell you everything hahha. Just kidding, they are nice and are willing to help in general, as just as everywhere else I believe.

…And I think to myself, what a wonderful world xo


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